Introduction to Primavera, Features
Data Structure Of PRIMAVERA(Data Organization Break Down Structures, Procedure To Create an OBS,
     Delete an OBS,Enterprise Project Structure, Delete an EPS,EPS Page
PROJECT(Deleting Project Or EPS Element, Opening Projects or Templates in the EPS, Create a Project,
     Project in a Detail Window
CALENDAR(Creating a Global Calendar, Procedure to Create a Calendar, Exception, Creating a Project Calendar,
    Changing project Calendar To a Global Calendar, Creating a Resource Calendar, Assign a Resource to a Resource Calendar, Conversions, Time Scale in a Gantt Chart)
WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURES (WBS STRUCTURES, Create a WBS Structures, Working With WBS Elements,
     creating a WBS From a Template,Configuration General WBS Elements, Earned value)
ACTIVITIES(Procedure, Creating Activities, Configuring General Tab,Adding Activities Using Activity Details)
RELATIONSHIPS(Adding Relation Ships To the Activities,Adding Relation Ships using Mouce, Linking Activites in
    Series Predecessors And Successors From in Activity Detail WindowDissolve Activityapply Lead or Lag, Creating a RelationShips
SCHEDULING(Procedure for Scheduling, Schedule Check
CONSTRAINTS(Constraints Category, Project Code)
CODES(View a Project Code,ActivityCode,Resource Code)
ROLES(Creating Roles, Detail Window,Assigning a resources to a tool, Role Team,creating a Role Teams
RESOURCES & ITS TEAM(Define Resources, Resource Team, Introduction About Resource Team, Drive Activity Dates, Methods
ASSIGNING A RESOURCES(Multiple Activities,Assign Role To an Activity,Assign Resource to Role,Resource Curves)
RESOURCE ANALYSIS(Team Usage,ResourceAnalysis,Role Usage, Resource Usage, Resource analysis,Resourceleveling,
     DurationType,Manual Methods ofResource leveling)
BASELINE(Setting Base line, Assign Baseline,Display Baseline
USER DEFINED FIELDS(Creating Activity UDF, WBS UDF,ExpenseUDF,User Defined Field,Global Change)
PERCENTAGE(Percentage Update,Updating the process update,Units % Complete,Physical % Complete, Progress Spotlight)
Tracking(Earned Value Analysis, Earned Value Fields)