Course Name      : C++ Language
Duration          : 2 Months
Eligibility         : 10th / +2 / Diploma / Any Degree
- Introduction
- History of C++
- What is Object Oriented Programming
- Application Of C++
- A Simple C++ Program
- Cascading of I/O Operators
- Structure of a C++ Program
2 Tokens And Control Structure
- Tokens
- Data Types
- Type Compatibility
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Increment Operators
- Conditinal Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Special Operators
- Operators in C++
- Order of Precedence
- Expressions
- Operator Overloading
- Control Structure
- Simple if Statement
- if – else Statement
- switch Statement
- do Statement
- break Statement
- for Statement
- Additinaol features of for loop
- Nested for
- Arrays
- Introduction
- One dimensional Arrays
- Two dimensional Arrays
- Strings
- Reading String From The Terminal
- Reading Multiword String From The Terminal
- String Hanling Functions
- Table of Strings
- Functions
- The main() function
- Simple C++ functions
- Functions Prototying
- Return Value and Their Types
- Function Overloading
- Friend And Virtual Functions
- Programming Examples
- Exercise
- Classes
- Revision of C Structures
- Limitations of C Structures
- Class
- Creating Objects
- Accessing Class Member
- Defining Member FunctionsClasss And structures
- Private Member Functions
- Static Data Members
- Static Member Functions
- Array of Objects
- Objects As Function Arguments
- Friend Functions
- Constructors And Destructors
- Introduction
- Default Constructor
- Argumented constructor
- Copy Constructor
- Multiple Constructor
- Destructors
- Operator overloading
- Definition
- Overloading Unary Operator using Member function
- Overloading Unary Operator using Friend function
- Overloading Binary Operator using Member function
- Overloading Binary Operator using Friend function
- Inheritance
- Introduction
- Base Class
- Derived Class
- Types of Inheritance
- Virtual Base Class
- Abstract Class
- Virtual Functions And Polymorphism
- Introduction To Pointers
- Pointer To Object
- this Pointer
- Pointer to derived Classes
- Virtual Functions
- File Operations in C++
- C++ Streams
- Opening And Closing a File
- Detecting End of File
- File Pointers And Their Applications
- Sequential Input And Output Operations
- write() And read() Functions
- More About open() : File Modes
- Reading And Writing A Class Object