“Animation is not the art of drawings that moves but the art of movements that are drawn”
Career Path:
In this field of Animation 2D animators learn to make character design, flat background, loop animation, script writing, concept development. They utilize these skills to convey stories or messages by making a 2D animation video.
3D designer mostly create models, Rig the character and learn animation to animate the 3D model. They create models for their own creative ideas and then they work for advertising agencies, for software publishers and graphic design firms.
VFX artist usually gets the job of Layout Artist. Usually part of the pre-production and previsualization process, a layout artist, as the name suggests, lays the foundations for how the visuals will eventually look. Compositing Artist, Lighting artist, Rendering Artist, Roto Artist, Matte Painter, Match Mover Artist.
Gaming artist has a great future in the field of Game Animator, Game Designer ,Game Programmer, Creative Game Director, Game Artist, QA Game Tester, Video Game System Designer.
By showing interest and motivation, an individual can get promoted to become an Assistant Colorist or Coloring Assistant. Their job is to prep projects for the Colorist and render out completed work. Sometimes they do low-level computer maintenance and file repair, as well.
A line producer isn’t an entry-level job or an easy one, so you’ll have to build experience by working other production jobs first, such as production assistant, location manager, or assistant director. You can find roles in TV, film, commercial, and even digital production.